Scoring data ============ After :doc:`importing free recall data`, we have a DataFrame with a row for each study event and a row for each recall event. Next, we need to score the data by matching study events with recall events. Scoring list recall ------------------- First, let's create a simple sample dataset with two lists. We can use the :py:func:`` convenience function to create a sample dataset with a given set of study lists and recalls: .. ipython:: python from psifr import fr list_subject = [1, 1] study_lists = [['absence', 'hollow', 'pupil'], ['fountain', 'piano', 'pillow']] recall_lists = [['pupil', 'absence', 'empty'], ['pillow', 'pupil', 'pillow']] data = fr.table_from_lists(list_subject, study_lists, recall_lists) data Next, we'll merge together the study and recall events by matching up corresponding events using :py:func:``. This scoring and merging step labels recall attempts in terms of whether they were correct recalls, repeats, or intrusions. At the same time, it also labels study events in terms of whether they were correctly recalled, and, if so, at which output position they were recalled. Free-recall analyses in Psifr are computed from data in this "merged" format. .. ipython:: python merged = fr.merge_free_recall(data) merged For each item, there is one row for each unique combination of input and output position. For example, if an item is presented once in the list, but is recalled multiple times, there is one row for each of the recall attempts. Repeated recalls are indicated by the :code:`repeat` column, which is greater than zero for recalls of an item after the first. Unique study events are indicated by the :code:`study` column; this excludes intrusions and repeated recalls. Items that were not recalled have the :code:`recall` column set to :code:`False`. Because they were not recalled, they have no defined output position, so :code:`output` is set to :code:`NaN`. Finally, intrusions have an output position but no input position because they did not appear in the list. There is an :code:`intrusion` field for convenience to label these recall attempts. The :code:`prior_list` and :code:`prior_input` fields give information about prior-list intrusions (PLIs) of items from prior lists. The :code:`prior_list` field gives the list where the item appeared and :code:`prior_input` indicates the position in which is was presented on that list. :py:func:`` can also handle additional attributes beyond the standard ones, such as codes indicating stimulus category or list condition. See :ref:`custom-columns` for details. Filtering and sorting --------------------- Now that we have a merged :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, we can use Pandas methods to quickly get different views of the data. For some analyses, we may want to organize in terms of the study list by removing repeats and intrusions. Because our data are in a :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, we can use the :py:meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.query` method: .. ipython:: python merged.query('study') Alternatively, we may also want to get just the recall events, sorted by output position instead of input position: .. ipython:: python merged.query('recall').sort_values(['list', 'output']) Note that we first sort by list, then output position, to keep the lists together. In addition to using the :py:meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.query` method directly, we can also use :py:func:`` to get subsets of data. For example, to get the first list only: .. ipython:: python fr.filter_data(merged, lists=1)